Barbara M. Britton

An Interview with Author Barbara M. Britton

Tell us a little about yourself and three things that have nothing to do with writing.

I am a California girl who has spent the last twenty years in Wisconsin. I love the Midwest and the change in seasons. I’ve been married for thirty-four years and have two sons. I grew up with dogs in the house, but of late, my pets have been rescued cats. Our first cat avoided people and our new cat loves people. She will sit on my keyboard if I let her.

Three things that have nothing to do with writing: I grew up going to 4-H meetings. I can grow vegetables and cook them, but don’t ask me to sew. I’m tall, so I dislike shopping for pants. Country music is growing on me.

What genre do you write?

I am multi-published in Biblical Fiction where I bring little-known Bible characters to light. I also enjoy writing Historical Fiction. I have one book published that was influenced by a true story I heard on an Alaskan cruise ship excursion. My current work-in-progress is a Contemporary story because it deals with current life events. I guess you could say, story trumps the time period. 

Are you indie, or traditionally published, or both?

I am traditionally published with Pelican Book Group. PBG is a Christian publisher. When I began writing, I had no idea there was a Christian publishing world with its own agents, editors, and publishing houses. 

What are you working on now?

I recently finished a Contemporary Christmas story that involves a storyline about breast cancer. I am a breast cancer survivor. I felt God nudging me to share my story, so I added a devotional about my breast cancer journey to the back of the book. Currently, I am working on a sequel to my Christmas story and then back to Bible days for me.

Do you read outside of your genre?

When you have a multitude of author friends, you most definitely read outside of your genre. I read contemporary romance, historical adventures, women’s fiction, and occasionally romantic suspense. I’m not of fan of scary stories. 

Did the first book you wrote get published? How long were you writing before you were published?

I finished my first book in 2008. I didn’t receive a publishing contract until 2015 and that contract was for my fourth book. My first contracted book was published in 2016 about eighteen months after I signed on the dotted line. Traditional publishing is slower than indie publishing.

The first book I finished is still ‘under the bed.’ I didn’t understand genre parameters when I wrote the story. I thought I was writing a Young Adult book, but the word count was too short, and the story was too sweet for the market. 

When you are writing, do you like complete silence, or do you like to listen to music? If so, what kind of music do you like? What are your favorite writing snacks?

I like complete silence when I am writing. I often have a theme song for my story. I will listen to the theme song before I begin writing to get my brain focused on the characters. I don’t eat while I’m writing, but I do drink hot chocolate or iced tea. My writing time begins with prayer. 

Whom do you trust for objective and constructive criticism of your work?

I recommend every writer have a critique group of trusted writing friends. Preferably, at least one member should write in your genre. My genre would be Christian Fiction. There are differences between what is acceptable in a general market book and one that is Christian. The biggest area of discrepancy would be the sensuality level.

Your critique group must be able to speak honestly about your work and share what is working and not working for them in your story. Ultimately, it’s your story, so the author needs to decide if they are going to accept the suggestions and to what degree.

I also have beta-readers who get a first look at my finished manuscript. I recommend having someone who reads voraciously in your genre. If you can capture their attention, then you are writing well.

What spiritual or therapeutic practices help you get into the right headspace?

It would be difficult to write Biblical Fiction without reading the Bible and praying over my story. I pray before I sit down to write, and I ask the Holy Spirit to help me write to the best of my ability. If I have a theme song for my story, I will also listen to that song before I begin to write.

Walking in nature helps me ponder storylines and develop plotlines. Exercise helps my brain function better. I have breakthroughs on my stories when strolling along in my neighborhood.

It also helps to have friends who you can call when you get stuck or need some encouragement. My critique partners are a huge support to me and my writing success.

Care to share a deleted scene?

A deleted opening to a chapter in my book “Lioness.” The daughters of Zelophehad crossed over the Jordan River and did not stay east. Their clan was listed in Scripture as crossing the river. Before I found the listing of their clan traveling across the Jordan, I had the girls in Amorite land, east of Canaan. Research matters (:

The haunting echo of the trumpet blast bound Mahlah’s stomach tight. She cast a glance at their tent with its awkward lean. How many more days and nights would they sleep under ram skin? This traveling dwelling was the only home she had known. What would a stone structure be like to keep? Would they need to thatch a roof? Build a door? Clean bones from their cooking courtyard? Human bones? She shuddered.

What did she know of Amorite land? What crops did the foreigners grow? Were their tools scattered in the fields? Would God still provide manna and quail to eat until they were settled?

Lord, I feel lost. Please give me your strength to lead my sisters where we need to go.

“Mahlah?” Milcah edged closer, her hand still gripping the camel’s lead. “Who will guide us if our men are to fight across the river?”

Hoglah crossed her arms, her attention centered on the path Sereb had traveled. “Will we follow the women and children of the tribes of Reuben and Gad?”

Mahlah nibbled her lower lip. These were all good questions, but she held few answers. Save one. The one answer onto which they held fast.

“God will guide us. Has He not always gone before us?” She stroked the camel’s nose until his tongue tried to taste her skin.

Defending David  Barbara’s Latest Release based on events from II Samuel 15-19:8.

When a quiet journey to Jerusalem turns tragic, newly orphaned Rimona must flee a kinsman set on selling her as a slave. Racing into the rocky hills outside of Hebron, Rimona is rescued by a Philistine commander journeying to Jerusalem with six-hundred warriors.

Exiled commander, Ittai the Gittite, is seeking refuge in the City of David. Protecting a frantic Hebrew woman is not in his leadership plan. Although, having a nobleman’s niece in his caravan might prove useful for finding shelter in a foreign land.

Rimona and Ittai arrive in Jerusalem on the eve of a rebellion. In the chaos of an heir’s betrayal, will they be separated forever, or can they defend King David and help the aging monarch control his rebellious son?

Defending David is available on AmazonB&N, or ask your library to order it.

 Find out more about Barb’s books on her website,, or follow her on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram

Bonus!! Watch the trailer for Barbara’s Tribes of Israel series