Darlene L. Turner
An Interview with Author Darlene L. Turner
Tell about yourself, family, pets, favorite foods, hobbies, where you grew up, etc., and 1-3 things about yourself that have nothing to do with writing.
I’m the youngest of three children (aka the “spoiled” one!). I live in Ontario, Canada and I’ve been married to my hubby for 24 years. I enjoy tole painting (painting on wood pieces), reading (of course!), and watching movies. I’m not sure I can pick a favorite food! I love pizza, Chinese food, chicken fingers, and French fries. Haha! I grew up in New Brunswick (next to Maine).
Three things about myself: I love flavored coffee, have over 30 plaid shirts, and lots of colored pens!
What genre(s) do you write?
Romantic Suspense
Are you Indy, traditionally published, or both?
Traditionally published
What are you working on now?
My eighth book for Love Inspired Suspense. Feeling very blessed!
Do you read outside of your genre? If so, what other genres do you like to read?
Yes! Fantasy, YA, and even middle grade school.
Did the first book you wrote get published? How long were you writing before you were published?
No, it was actually my third book that Love Inspired Suspense contracted. It took me approximately ten years to get published.
When you are writing, do you prefer complete silence, or do you like to listen to music? If so, what kind of music do you like? What are your favorite writing snacks?
Sometimes I like silence, and other times, I like to have instrumental music playing softly in the background. Coffee is my writing snack.
How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
With a treat of some kind – normally a Starbucks latte!
How do you come up with character names for your stories?
I have a “names database” of names I’ve heard on TV, movies, or from friends
How long did it take you to write your latest book?
Approximately 3 months
Do you have any manuscripts you have shelved that you might return to?
Yes…maybe one day!
How long have you wanted to be a writer?
Since I picked up my first Nancy Drew book!
Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
Definitely a pantser!
Darlene’s latest romantic suspense Fatal Forensic Investigation was just released!!
Learn More about Darlene and her writing here:
www.darlenelturner.com where there’s suspense beyond borders.
Facebook (author page): https://bit.ly/2Woy8dK
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Qso27O
BookBub: https://bit.ly/2QrdkhP
Instagram: darlenel.turner
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19553274.Darlene_L_Turner