Pepper Basham
Pepper Basham is an award-winning author who writes romance “peppered” with grace and humor. Her nineteenth novel,
Authentically Izzy, debuts in November with Thomas Nelson.
Tell about yourself, family, pets, favorite foods, hobbies, where you grew up, etc., and 1-3 things about yourself that have nothing to do with writing.
Hi everyone. I grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and now live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. My granny was the first person who ever called me a “writer,” and as proof of her faith in me, she bought me a secondhand typewriter when I was ten years old. Though I am an author, it’s something I do in addition to my day job as a speech-language pathologist. I’m an Appalachian girl, love jazz music, play Minecraft with my kids (and attempt other games…much to their humor), love my Appalachian heritage, and am an unashamed Anglophile. I think going to Biltmore may be one of my hobbies, but I’d love to make going to the UK one of my hobbies, too (not in the finance books for now, though). I love singing, watching movies/musicals, and hanging out with my kids. And I’m so grateful I get to write fiction from with both an overt and subtle Christian worldview.
What genre(s) do you write?
I write historical and contemporary romance (emphasis on “romance”).
Are you Indy, traditionally published, or both?
Yes. Both.
What are you working on now?
I’m getting ready to start another historical romance with another contemporary romance right behind that one. I just turned in two books which will be coming out in 2023, The Cairo Curse (February), and Positively, Penelope (August). (But I’ll tell you a secret, I have a 3rd book coming out in December of 2023…title pending).
Do you read outside of your genre? If so, what other genres do you like to read?
I mostly read within my genres, but I do like to read fantasy too.
Did the first book you wrote get published? How long were you writing before you were published?
No, my first book didn’t get published (and that’s a good thing too). I’ve been writing since I was ten, but seriously started pursuing the craft when I was 25-ish. However, I was also raising a growing family and working full-time, so I pursued writing during nooks and the crannies of my life. I have my first book published in 2015 after over ten years of attempting publication.
When you are writing, do you like complete silence, or do you like to listen to music? If so, what kind of music do you like? What are your favorite writing snacks?
I’ve never had complete silence while writing, so I’m not sure how I’d do with that. Usually, there is activity going on all around me. Most of my early books were written in the middle of my family activities (or they wouldn’t have been written at all), so I guess I’ve gotten used to noise. Sometimes, I can listen to music while I write, and other times, I can’t. If I do listen to music, I try to have it correspond with the “feel” of the story. Movie soundtracks, jazz, musicals, etc. I listen to a LOT of music while I brainstorm when I’m driving.
Do you have other writers in the family?
I do!! My eldest son has finished 10 books but hasn’t started pursuing publication yet. And, might I add, he wrote most of those books in less than 2 years. It’s mind-blowing! My 17-year-old son just started his first novel too. My 20-year-old daughter had tried writing a few books, but she’s a visual artist, so she ends up drawing the rest of the story instead of writing it! LOL
Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?
I’m a print book kind-of-girl, but I’m starting to enjoy audiobooks for when I’m driving.
Do you read your reviews? How do you process negative reviews?
Yes, I read my reviews. My hope is that if I see a consistent theme in my negative reviews, that I can grow from those instead of getting my feelings hurt or trying to justify myself. But I realize reading is a very subjective activity, and my books won’t fit everyone.
Do you see writing as a kind of spiritual or therapeutic practice?
Oh, definitely both!!
Does anyone in your family read your books?
My 20-year-old daughter does. My dad is probably my BIGGEST reading fan! He’s known as RamboDad because he’s always trying to insert Rambo into my books to help folks in the story. My husband read his first one of my books last month. (He’s not a fiction reader).
How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?
Oh gracious, it’s impossible to answer that question about “favorite”. Two I really enjoy because of the humor are Just the Way You are and The Mistletoe Countess. I just turned my 21st book into my editor, but I’ve written 24.
You can learn more about Pepper and her books here:
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Can their hearts overcome the darkness of the mountains?